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@(#) $Id: pm-index.txt,v 1.3 1999/11/10 13:56:16 Jari Aalto Exp $
$Contactid: jari.aalto@poboxes.com $
$URL: http://www.netforward.com/poboxes/?jari.aalto $
$Keywords: procmail library includerc subroutine recipe $

Jari's Procmail resources

Hi, here are links to my world of the procmail, please select from the list below:

      *** 1997-11-24 22:13 (pm.lint) 3.11pre7 tinypm.el 1.80
      cd /users/jaalto/junk/
      pm.lint:010: Warning, no right hand variable found. ([$`']
      pm.lint:055: Pedantic, flag orer style is not standard `hW:'
      pm.lint:060: Warning, message dropped to folder, you need lock.
      pm.lint:062: Warning, recipe with "|" may need `w' flag.
      pm.lint:073: Warning, Formail used but no `f' flag found.

I hope you the very best in the world of procmail and Philip Guenter for his always so helpful advices and hosting the http://www.prcomail.org/ .


Copyright (C) Jari Aalto. All rights reserved. This material can be publically distributed and copied with the permission of Author, provided that you mention the Author's name and email address or http reference where to get the original document.

This file has been automatically generated from plain text file with perl script t2html.pl 1.174
Document author: Jari Aalto
Url: http://www.procmail.org/jari/pm-index.html
Contact: <jari.aalto@poboxes.com>
Html date: 1999-11-15 12:44