JPNIC Translated Document Source document: jpnic/QandA.txt Date of the source: December 8, 1993 Date of the last update of this translation: April 29, 1995 This is a translation of a JPNIC document. JPNIC provides this translation for convenience of those who can not read Japanese. But it may contain mis-tranlations, and is by no means official. One should consult the source document written in Japanese for detail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [This file summarizes some of the questions sent to the JPNIC secretariat] [( ) and the answers to those questions. This file] [can be obtained using the anonymous ftp/mail server functions from ] [ The questions and answers will be ] [added as and when the need arises. ] [ ] [ JPNIC Secretariat December 8, 1993 ] Q0. Is JPNIC different from JNIC? A0. JNIC is the name of the organization that was the predecessor to JPNIC. As NIC (Network Information Center) spreads all around the world, the "J" in JNIC makes it difficult to distinguish it from those of other countries whose names start with the letter J. Hence, from April 1993, the abbreviation of our organization was changed to include the two- letter ISO code "JP" denoting Japan. (General Organization) Q1. We have acquired domain names and IP addresses form JPNIC. Can we use Internet with these? A1. Acquiring domain names and IP addresses is considered different from that of connecting, and hence JPNIC does not guarantee connections. Also, at present, IP addresses can be acquired irrespective of whether the connection is made or not. Q2. Then, how can we get connected to Internet? A2. You will have to become a subscriber to one of the JPNIC member networks. The list of JPNIC member networks is given at the end of this document. Q3. Which JPNIC member network is it better to subscribe to? A3. Since JPNIC considers it important to be impartial, it is not possible to recommend any particular member network. In addition, each of the JPNIC member networks have their own characteristics with each network differing from the other in the purpose, qualifications required to become a subscriber, contents of the services provided, modes of connection, charges, etc., and hence the user must select the appropriate one considering all these factors. Q4. Please tell us the JPNIC member network to which an ordinary company can become a subscriber in the Tokyo area. A4. There are many networks with considerable number of corporate subscribers such as JUNET Association, WIDE Internet, IIJ Internet, Spin Project, and Fujitsu S-NETWORK. Similarly, the following are some of the regional networks among the JPNIC member networks with corporate subscribers in the other areas: Member Name Abbreviation Hokkaido Regional Network Association NORTH Tohoku Internet Association TiA Tokai Regional Network TRENDY Kansai Network Interconnection Association WINC Chugoku-Shikoku Internet Association CSI Kyushu Regional Research Network KARRN Further, it is also possible to consider other JPNIC member networks, and hence approach them individually for more information. Q5. Please give some detailed information (such as the purpose, qualifications for subscribership, procedures, connection methods, charges, etc.,) of the different JPNIC member networks. A5. Since these information have not been gathered at present, please inquire with the individual JPNIC member networks. Q6. Do we have to apply separately to JPNIC after having become subscribers to a JPNIC member network? A6. Any organization that has acquired a domain name or an IP address will have to register some necessary information such as the manager, address, etc., with JPNIC. However, depending on the JPNIC member network, this task will be done by the network on your behalf, and hence inquire with the JPNIC member network to which you wish to subscribe. Q7. Is it possible to acquire an IP address even in the case of a UUCP connection site? A7. Possible. An IP address can be acquired irrespective of whether or not an IP connection is made. The details of the method of acquiring an IP address can be found in the document that will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to Q8. Please tell us the method of checking the content registered in the JPNIC database and the method of altering them. A8. Firstly, the method of confirmation is: 1) You can use the following whois command if you have an IP connection: whois -h The detailed method of using this command will be displayed by entering whois -h help. 2) When confirming by E-mail, send an E-mail with the following contents addressed to - whois end The result of the search will be sent back to you automatically upon receiving this mail. Next, the method of altering the registered information depends on the contents of such alterations. For details, refer to the document "Method of entering the JPNIC registration form (for general organizations)" and the answer to Q9 below. Also, this document will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to Q9. Our organization name was changed after we obtained a domain name from JPNIC. What steps do we have to take? A9. To begin with, take the procedures required by the JPNIC member network to which your organization is a subscriber. For details of this, inquire with the JPNIC member network to which you are a subscriber. Next, the following is the description of the procedures you should take for JPNIC. However, depending on the JPNIC member network, this task will be done by the network on your behalf, and hence inquire with the JPNIC member network to which you subscribe. When there is any change in the domain name, organization name, or organization outline after acquiring a domain name, an application should be made with JPNIC for making the alterations. The details of this application for alteration can be found in the document that will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to In addition, When there is a change in your organization name and your organization has also acquired an IP address, the alteration procedures will have to be followed also for the IP address. The details of this application for alteration can be found in the document that will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to The operations for altering the registered organization name change are being done very carefully in JPNIC in order to prevent the duplicate registration or transfer of domain names and to prevent the transfer of IP addresses. Therefore, although the procedures are tedious, we request for your understanding in this matter. Q10. We have decided to discontinue our connection to Internet. What procedure do we have to follow? A10. To begin with, take the procedures required by the JPNIC member network to which your organization is a subscriber. For details of this, inquire with the JPNIC member network to which you are a subscriber. Next, the following is the description of the procedures you should take for JPNIC. However, depending on the JPNIC member network, this task will be done by the network on your behalf, and hence inquire with the JPNIC member network to which you subscribe. It will be necessary for you to take the procedures with JPNIC to delete the name servers for your domain. This is done by registering a blank entry for the name server field in the domain information for your organization that has been registered in the JPNIC database. In addition, when a domain name or an IP address becomes unnecessary because of discontinuation of connection to Internet, please take the steps to discontinue their use. The details of the procedure for discontinuing the use of domain names can be found in the document that will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to and the details of the procedure for discontinuing the use of IP addresses can be found in the document that will be sent back automatically to you when you send an E-mail (which can be empty) addressed to Further, even when the procedure for the discontinuation of the use of a domain name is not taken, it will be done automatically if the registration is not done again in the name server (that is, the connection to Internet is not made) within one year after the steps have been taken to delete the name server. (Network Project) Q1. Where can we find the regulations related to JPNIC and the application forms for membership, etc.? A1. These are present in and can be obtained by the anonymous ftp or mail server functions. Q2. Is it possible to pay the annual membership dues of JPNIC at places other than the project? A2. This is a problem of where to send the invoices and the receipts. Please contact the secretariat. We understand that all the members are still new after establishment, but the JPNIC secretariat will give the maximum cooperation. LIST OF JPNIC MEMBER NETWORKS (As of 24 November 1993, order immaterial) Name and contact address Abbreviation Tsukuba Interconnection Network Association RIC-Tsukuba C/o Academic Information Processing Center, Tsukuba University, 1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba City, Ibaragi Prefecture, 305 Tel: 0298-53-2451 Fax: 0298-53-2983 E-mail: Tohoku Internet Association TiA C/o Sendai Applied Information Science Research Foundation Gyounin Bldg. 4F 1-11-15, Ichiban-cho, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980 Fax: 022-212-1479 E-mail: Chugoku-Shikoku Internet Association CSI 2-15-9, Shimizu-cho, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture 790 Tel: 0899-25-6345 (within SES) Fax: 0899-23-3709 E-mail: Tokai Regional Network TRENDY TRENDY In-Charge, Tokai InterNetwork Association Secretariat, C/o Science Create K.K. Toyohashi Science Core 333-9, Aza-Hamaji, Nishi-Saiwaicho, Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture 441 Tel: 0532-44-1107 Fax: 0532-44-1122 E-mail: International Science Network TISN Attn. Mr. Akihiro Shirahashi International Science Network, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113 E-mail:, TKYVAX::SIRAHASHI (DECnet) IIJ Internet IIJ Attn. Mr. Ishikawa, K.K. Internet Initiative Planning, 2-11-2, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100 Tel: 03-3580-3781 Fax: 03-3580-3782 E-mail: Tohoku Academic Research Internet TOPIC Tohoku Academic Research Internet Secretariat, C/o Tohoku University Computer Center, 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980 Tel: 022-227-6200 Extn. 3760 Fax: 022-263-9202 E-mail: Japan Academic Inter-university Network JAIN Attn. Dr. Yukiyosi Kameyama, Sato Laboratory, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980 Tel: 022-227-6200 Extn. 2716 Fax: 022-263-9848 E-mail: Fifth Area Network Community NCA5 NCA5 Secretariat, C/o Kyoto University Computer Center Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-01 Tel: 075-753-7432, 075-753-7422 Fax: 075-753-7450 E-mail: JUNET Association JUNET JUNET Association Secretariat, C/o IIJ Hoshigaoka Bldg., 2-11-2, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100 Fax: 03-3580-3782 E-mail: WIDE Internet WIDE C/o Murai Laboratory, Environmental Information Department, Keio University, 5322, Endo, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture 252 Tel: 0466-47-5111 Extn. 3330 Fax: 0466-49-1101 E-mail: Japan Organized InterNetwork JOIN Japan BITNET Association Secretariat, C/o Information Processing Center, Tokyo Science University, 1-3, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 162 Tel: 03-3260-4271 Extn. 1721 Fax: 03-3260-2280 E-mail: official@jpn.bitnet or "Because It's Time" NETwork in JaPan BITNETJP Japan BITNET Association Secretariat, C/o Information Processing Center, Tokyo Science University, 1-3, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 162 Tel: 03-3260-4271 Extn. 1721 Fax: 03-3260-2280 E-mail: official@jpn.bitnet or Academic Information Center NACSIS Attn. Network In-Charge, System Management Section, Academic Information Center Division 3-29-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 112 Tel: 03-3942-6947 Fax: 03-3942-9398 E-mail: Interconnection Network Attn. Network In-Charge, System Management Section, Academic Information Center Division 3-29-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 112 Tel: 03-3942-6947 Fax: 03-3942-9398 E-mail: Kansai Network Interconnection Association WINC C/o Senri International Information Foundation Hankyu Grand Bldg. 15F, 8-47, Tsunoda-machi, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530 Tel: 06-373-5518 Fax: 06-313-0357 E-mail: (planned) Kyushu Regional Research Network KARRN Kyushu Regional Research Network Secretariat, C/o Information Processing Education Center Kyushu University 6-10-1, Hakozaki, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka City 816 Tel: 092-641-1101 Extn. 2651, 2657 Fax: 092-641-4047 E-mail: Osaka Regional Inter-University Network ORIONS Network In-Charge, Osaka University Computer Center, 5-1, Mihogaoka, Ibaragi City, 567 Tel: 06-877-5111 Extn. 2811 Fax: 06-876-3542 E-mail: Tokyo Regional Academic Network TRAIN Network Management In-Charge, Tokyo University Computer Center, 2-11-16, Yayoi, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113 Tel: 03-3812-2111 Extn. 2715 Fax: 03-3814-7279 E-mail: Hokkaido Regional Network Association NORTH Hokkaido Regional Network Association Secretariat C/o Sapporo Electronics Center 1-1-10, Shimonohoro Technopark, Appu-Ku, Sapporo City 004 Tel: 011-807-6000 Fax: 011-807-6005 E-mail: Spin Project Spin Nihon ENS AT&T Co., Ltd., No. 25 Mori Bldg. 1-4-30, Roppongi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106 Tel: 03-5561-3333 Fax: 03-3584-0810 E-mail: Fujitsu S-NETWORK SNET S-NETWORK Secretariat, Service Section, Solution Boutique Department, Information Processing System Laboratory C4, Fujitsu Ltd., 1-17-25, Shin-Kamata, Ota-Ku, Tokyo 155 Tel: 03-3730-3628 Fax: 03-5703-7053 E-mail: Nihon Genom Database Network Committee GDBnetJP C/o Development Section, Development Department, Japan Science & Technology Information Center 2-5-2, Nagata-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100 Tel: 03-3597-9376 Fax: 03-3593-3375 E-mail: Intercon International K.K. IIKK Gran Charion Yoyogi-Koen #205, 1-37-14, Tomigaya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 151 Tel: 03-5478-7601 Fax: 03-5478-7603 E-mail: